Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Handsome Hubby

How do I know he is Handsome without seeing him, I just know! Today he got his uniforms and gear and all that jazz. He had to wear his boots all day and he said his feet are a bit sore, but no blisters so far.
I got to talk to him for nearly an hour tonight! It was so great! He misses me and the kids, but he is glad they are shipping out for basic tomorrow morning... hooah for no more reception!
The only bad part is, now I don't know when I will get to talk to him again. But we pray for him daily, and he left the kids and I some voicemails to listen to while he is gone... which the kids love!


  1. Thank the Lord for modern things such as voice mail. That will be almost as good as letters and phone calls if things get busy on his end. I hope things are going well for the kids and you on the home front. I also hope you are really enjoying this time in your old stomping grounds before you meet up with your beloved once again. *smile* Blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

  2. Hello Jeni,
    I notice on my calandar that yesterday was your anniversary. I knew this yesterday but was unsure about how it would feel if I wished you a happy anniversary with your husband training. I don't want you to think that I forgot though, so I would like to wish you a happy be-lated anniversary. I do so hope this time apart continues to bring the two of you closer together. I hope he is able to call or write soon as is he probably getting pretty busy with all that standing and formation stuff. *smile* Blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)
