Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Boys and Girls... oh what to do

So Malaki comes to me today and tells me that his "Penuh" hurts... I will let you clever people figure out what that means. :)

Of course I have to check him and make sure he is ok, nothing wrong with him... Well Lillie, who was in another room, apparently over heard us, and for those of you who know Lillie anything that is hurt on her brother is hurt on her.

Malaki is running really fast and trips and hurts his knees. A real injury, but we make it through. Lillie, seeing her brother has fallen and is being asked if he is ok, quickly imitates his run and fall (although falling very careful as to avoid real injury) and then insists that she to is hurt.

So once I find that Malaki is ok and will just have to wait it out and then be fine he decides to go sit in his room in self pity....
In walks Lillie "hey Malki"
"No Lillie, it's just got hurt my penuh, leave me alone" he says somewhat crossly.
"OH" Lillie replies cheerfully, "I got my penuh hurt too!!! See it is SO BROKE!"

I have tried to explain that she is a girl before, but so far she doesn't get it.... this time I just sat and laughed while they went back and forth about their 'owies" and wondered how I am going to get Lille to understand the difference between boys and girls... and this is only the beginning!!!! Yikes!


  1. Oh my!!! Good luck explaining that one!!

  2. LOL Well... hopefully Lillie won't start yelling about her broke penuh in any public places! :)

  3. or Malaki either!!!!
