Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A quick update

It is amazing how fast the time has come. Tonight is our last night in this apartment together. Then a few nights at my parents, and then he is gone. I am having a hard time, because I know I need to pack, but every time I come across something of Jereme's I have to put it in the pile of storage stuff... which reminds me that I will soon be sleeping alone.
However I am also excited. I am looking forward to good times with family and friends before I go as well. I am excited to learn where we will be living, and scared at the same time.
Jereme is doing great, I know he will miss the kids and I, he has told me more than once. But he has also told me he is excited to go to basic. I am excited to see him when he is done.
I forgot how much I love it when he works out, till he started working out again... :)
His bag is pretty much packed, I just need to get some stamps to put on the envelopes that I preaddressed for him, and some pens to go with the paper so he can fill the envelopes with letters for me and the kids. When I get letters for him I will be sure to update everyone a little on how things are going for him. And I will also try to keep up on all the fun the kids and I are having here.
Once he gets there I will get his address and post it so anyone can write him letters... he may or may not write back, we aren't sure how much time he will have for things like that, and his main priority during free time will be making sure he gets enough sleep. So don't feel bad if he doesn't write back, I had to force him to promise to write me every now and then... :p
I have gotten both bedrooms packed and ready to go, now I just have the living room and bathroom, which will both be really easy, and the kitchen, which I think will be a little harder.
Tomorrow after Jereme's physical fitness test we will come back here, load up the car and move the kids and I down to my parents. We will stay there till Monday. Monday we will spend a few hours with the kids and then he will say goodbye to them.
I will drive him to MEPs (by the Portland Airport) and stay with him till curfew (I think it is 11pm). I will sleep at the apartment that night, although it will be empty probably... and then meet him at MEPs at 9:30am on Tuesday. We will go back and forth getting all his orders and everything, which means a lot of sitting and waiting... when he is done we will go out to a nice dinner, and maybe a walk or something. He has to be back to the hotel by curfew again. Then Wednesday morning I should be able to see him for a minute or two before he goes to the airport, so I can say goodbye one last time. And then I will head back to Lebanon and try not to be an emotional wreck for the day. Thursday my friend Breanna is going to come up to the apartment with me to help me get it all cleaned and turn in the keys. Then we will go out to lunch or something and maybe do a little shopping since we will both be kid free.
Ok that was a little long for a "quick" update.... oh well, that is where we are at right now! Keep the prayers coming please. Thank you!


  1. Jeni

    What great pictures--I really enjoyed them. Loved the pics of all of you together--what a photogenic group. Loved all the pics though and keeping up. Keep up the good work. I know it's going to be hard on you but we're all pulling for you and please be sure to call even if it's just to vent or brag or just to talk. Speaking for myself--I'd love to hear from you anytime. My office number is 503-846-1149 and my home number is 503-359-0517

    Love Karen Danson

  2. Jeni

    Jenny had her baby on 7/27/09 at 8:35 p.m. her name is Ava Marie Waldo and she weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and is 21.5 inches long. Mom is doing great. Had her natural birth and is doing just great. Thought you might like to know since I sent you two emails only to find out Dan took you out of the loop. Oh well--now you know. Karen
