Friday, July 24, 2009

Here we are

Well we are moved out of the apartment now. The kids said goodbye to it as they will not be going back. I still have a few things to do there, which I will do next week while Jereme is at MEPS and after he is gone. I will stay there Monday - Wednesday and then come down here and head back up to do the final cleaning on Thursday.
It is almost time for us to say goodbye. We have talked to the kids, and I know they don't really understand right now. But hopefully later when they are missing him they will remember how we talked about daddy will be back.
We are excited and scared about the changes coming our way, but for now we are just enjoying the little time we have left together before daddy leaves to "learn how to be REALLY strong!"


  1. I know it will be hard, but you have LOTS of people who love you and it won't be forever! You can do this. You're a strong woman and you have great kids and an awesome family.

    And imagine how great the welcome home will be when it's over!!!

  2. Enjoy the time you have together now and look forward to the time you'll have together again soon! Praying for you!

  3. I am praying for you, Jereme, and the children.
